DART TRE Beltline Grade Separation
Irving, TX
Project Stats
Dallas Area Rapid Transit
Project Status
McCarthy completed construction on the TRE Beltline Grade Separation project for the commuter rail transit system known as the Trinity Railway Express (TRE), which is operated on behalf of both DART and the Fort Worth Transportation Authority (the T). This project involved a two-phase conversion of an at-grade, single line rail into two elevated railroad lines for the TRE in the City of Irving. Designed to eliminate the at-grade traffic conflict between train and automobile traffic at three key intersections in Irving, the project consists of 122 spans totaling over 1-1/2 miles long.
McCarthy’s scope included drilled shaft foundations, cast-in-place columns, pre-cast beam erection, ballast and track construction, and roadway reconstruction at five intersections. The two-phased, dual-track project required construction of one half of the project while rail traffic continued on the other half. Throughout the entire project, McCarthy worked immediately adjacent to active commuter rail traffic.
McCarthy exceeded DART's DBE utilization goal and went two full years with no lost-time accidents. Because of this, DART recognized McCarthy with an Outstanding Safety Achievement Award at a Safety Appreciation luncheon. While under construction, this was the safest ongoing project in DART’s entire rail program.

Bridgefarmer & Associates, Inc.